Indeed, all things are connected. That being the case, it behooves us to become academic generalists. The good news is that it’s great fun; we get to follow our nose. Structured school settings necessarily narrow our focus. Unfortunately they do so arbitrarily without regard to what we find fascinating.
As readers know, I’ve been studying geography. Imagine my surprise when, as I hop to my space studies, I find that territories in space are being circumscribed as we speak! My geographic mind-set has prepared me to simply expand my understanding and voìla, this rather sophisticated conversation about defining a space wilderness makes sense.
Other good news? Our minds function best when we generalize, that is, when we think analogically. Think ‘analogy’ folks. Have you ever watched a bird fly and thought of freedom?
In close proximity to a rose, I think of my mother and the rose scented perfume in an elegant spray bottle she kept on her vanity. Vanity? Now, we have to move to history. Yes, women used to sit on a bench in front of their ‘vanity’ to apply their makeup. And, with that historical thread, I find myself asking, ‘why did my German friend go to all of the trouble and expense to import her vanity from Europe to the US when she moved to California? Now, we are in the realm of cultural anthropology.
Indeed, all things are connected so follow your nose and trust that your self- education will be broader and deeper than any that can be provided by educational institutions.